Get started reading the Bible, when there’s no time.

I have so much to do already. Where do I find time to read the Bible? I moaned.
“But you find time to eat,” said that little voice inside me.
Sigh, that was true. No matter how busy I get, I eat.
Simply because an empty stomach triggers my Migraine.
But it got me thinking.
If I skip my meals, I get sick.
If I do it regularly,I will eventually get weak and die.
“Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of the Lord.” Matthew 4:4
The Bible is God’s word and it’s what I need to keep my soul nourished.
Isn’t food for my soul, more important than that for my body?
If I keep missing out on it, my spirit will get sick, weak and eventually die.
Now that’s something I can’t afford to risk.
Would you?
On real busy days, I don’t have time for meals, I manage with quick small bites.
The same thing can be applied when it comes to chewing on scripture.
Here’s how:
- Commit: Decide never to go to sleep without nourishing your soul.
- Choose the best time in the day to read. Be consistent with it. Like how hunger strikes at regular intervals, you will realize that over time you will automatically open your Bible just like you reach out for snacks when hunger strikes.
- Keep it bite sized. Stick to a few verses or just one para. Remember it throughout the day especially when ur doing monotonous things like driving, cutting veggies, tidying up… It will soon start speaking to you.
Here’s two bonus tips:
- Keep alarms at regular intervals throughout the day. Go back and read the same verse or word that struck you that day. Like you let the taste of your favorite food linger in your mouth, let God’s Word linger in your heart and mind.
- Write it on a post-it. And stick it somewhere you will repeatedly pass by through the day. Maybe your work station, or a door and if you’re working from home, the kitchen 😉 I write it on the white board on my work table.
Here’s something I will leave you with. Bite sized food will help you survive the day, but it wont let you survive a lifetime. You do need healthy hearty full meals regularly. Make sure you find time for large chunks of soul food often.
Don’t wait. Start today!
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