How to consistently read the Bible?

So you love scripture, want to read it and make it part of your daily routine.
You’ve started again and again and failed.
You’ve attempted it so often that you keep wondering if you’ll manage to be consistent at all.
I started reading a chapter a day of the Bible on 1st Jan 2021.
This year, I prayed that I could stick to my resolution unlike all the years gone by.
Other than a few days I’ve missed reading, I’ve managed to read and reflect daily.
Wanna know how?
By staying accountable.
When I decided to start reading, I declared my intent in public.
Then I invited others to join me.
We were 5 in the beginning and we will be 25 as of 3rd May 2021.
The format is simple.
Everybody reads a chapter a day and shares what struck them the most.
Some are regular, others cover up when they lag behind.
But one thing is for sure.
We’re all reading more than we used to.
The group not only gives us a place to share everyday,
but also learn from each other’s reflections.
How the same verse speaks to each one differently and how something that didn’t mean much to one, speaks volumes to another is a beautiful realization of God interested in each of our lives personally.
So, if inconsistency is your biggest hurdle, do it with someone.
Get a Bible reading partner. Get some others who struggle the same way.
And start reading. Doing it together gives momentum, encouragement and the occasional kick we all need.
Not only will you see God’s Word transforming you but you will also make some meaningful friendships grounded on Christ.
Get a simple Bible reading guide here to get you started.