Feast of Annunciation

The Feast of Annunciation is celebrated on 25th March, exactly 9 months before Christmas.
So, let’s look at some of the ways we can celebrate the great Feast of Annunciation in our family:
1. Story of Annunciation:
Share with our kids the story of Annunciation. It would be great to take out our Bibles and read the story from Luke’s gospel or paraphrase the story. We stuck angel Gabriel and Mama Mary on popsicle sticks to enact the story.
2. Pray:
We as parents shouldn’t miss any opportunity to teach ourselves or our little ones some of the great traditional prayers in our Church. On the Feast of Annunciation some of the prayers we can teach our kids (based on their age of course) is The Angelus or the Hail Mary itself which contains the words used by Angel Gabriel when He addressed Mama Mary. As a family you can also say the Joyful Mysteries as the very first mystery is the Annunciation.
3. Craft:
We tried to recreate the scene of the Annunciation with angel Gabriel announcing to Mother Mary. It was a simple craft and easy for the kids to do. Please look at the images below to get an idea. Decorating a paper with ‘YES’ written on it will also be a great craft. Reminding us about Mother Mary’s Fiat.

For more activity ideas and feasts in March do visit:
Have a great Feast Day and do share with us how you celebrated it
God bless!

Thanks to contributions from Rosmin Francis Stanny.