April Devotion: the Holy Eucharist (activities)

Happy April, everyone!
This April brings lots of celebration and moments to spend with our kids talking to them about our Lord. One of the beautiful things about April is that the month is dedicated to the Holy Eucharist, making it a great time to talk to our kids about this important part of our Catholic Faith.
The Holy Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper, is a commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper. We are blessed to partake in the body and blood of Jesus. Our children will grow to appreciate this significant moment in Mass as they learn about it.
As you go through the month of April, here are some activities, resources, and discussion suggestions to do with your kids! These are all low-prep, simple activities for kids of all ages!
What is the Eucharist?
The Holy Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus. Its signs are bread and wine. The Eucharist strengthens our faith and we receive it for the first time on Holy Communion Day.
Questions to Ask Your Kids
- What do you know about Eucharist?
- Why is the Eucharist important?
- How does the Eucharist strengthen our faith?
Activity Suggestion
- Using craft paper, paints, and a picture of Jesus, have your kids create the bread and wine and draw an arrow to Jesus to show that the bread and wine are used to signify the body and blood of Jesus
Food Nourishes our Body, the Eucharist Nourishes our Soul
Most food nourishes our body, while the Holy Eucharist nourishes our soul. Talk to your kids about how different food nourishes our bodies (strengthens us, helps us grow, keeps our body healthy, etc.) and then talk to them about what it means to “nourish our soul.”
Activity Suggestion
- Have your kids write, draw, or even gather their favorite foods.
- Discuss how each of these foods “nourishes” their body
- Next, have your kids create the blood and body of Christ with construction paper, or just draw on white paper.
- Discuss how the blood and body of Christ nourish our soul
Making the Bread and Wine
The Faith Blocks Sunday Worksheets explain the making of bread and wine.
To get access to the weekly worksheets here
The Benefits of the Eucharist
Look at the list of ways the Eucharist benefits us below. Talk about the list with your kids, and have them pick a few that stand out to them, write them down and decorate them. This can serve as a visual reminder for your kids about the importance and benefits of the Eucharist.
- Heals incurable sickness
- Provides divine protection
- Gives life. John 6:53.
- You will dwell in God. John 6:57.
- It opens closed doors
- It brings revival to an individual and the body of Christ at large.
Other Resources
Watch these two videos with your kids to help them learn about two Patron Saints of the Eucharist,
How do you plan on celebrating the month of April? Leave your ideas in the comments, or join our Facebook Community to share!
Thanks to contributions from Anisha Rodrigues.