Blessed Mother Mary – Celebrate May devotion with kids

May is here! What a beautiful time of year, and what a beautiful month to celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary. The loving, strong, beautiful Mother of God. As moms, she is our ultimate inspiration as a mother and as a faithful servants of the Lord.
Before we begin looking at this month, let’s Pray:
“Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
As always, teaching our kids about our dear Mother Mary is so important. Listed below are a few ideas as to how we can make this month special for our spiritual mother:
Say special prayers to our lady this month.
The Hail Mary,Fatima prayer, Hail Holy Queen and Memorarae are all part of the Faith Blocks Prayer card set.
Some other prayers include Angelus (or Regina Coeli during the Easter season), the Rosary, and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The chaplet of seven sorrows is also a wonderful devotion.
May Altar
Decorate your altar with blue candles, blue cloth, blue flowers along with pictures of our Lady.
Setting up an altar can feel daunting, but really you can just use things you already have, highlighting the devotion of the month.
Through the month you can add to your altar all the crafts and activities you do with your child.
For May just think of blue and M
May Crowning
Make a crown with whatever supplies you have like paper, artificial leaves, or flowers. I had some pink artificial flowers lying around which we used to may the crown for our Lady. The Crowning of our Lady can be done at the time of family prayer with a small procession (kids love processions) singing a Marian hymn.
You can find a formal format here
Here are some of ours, one made of flowers, the other is a decorated paper crown on a cardboard ring.
The blue one is plain blue paper with sequins done by Ezie
Obie also decorated the bird’s nest with flowers as a crown for our Mother.
Use this month to read any book on Mother Mary together as a family or read more about various Marian apparitions or lives of saints who had a special love for Mary.
Let us use this month’s dedication given to us by the Church to continue interceding for all those affected by the pandemic. All the suffering and dying. Let us also use this opportunity to teach our children how Jesus has given Mother Mary as a mother to all of us to pray and intercede for us.
How do you plan on celebrating our Blessed Mother during May? Share here or join our Facebook group for even more community!
Thanks to the contributions from Rosmin Frances Stanny