Hello, St. (write your name here) in training

All Saints day!
The day we remember the ones who loved God to the fullest on earth and are now with Him in
Who is your favorite saint?
I have too many. St. Padre Pio, St. Joseph the Carpenter, St. Michael, St. Medard, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, St. Rose of Lima, St Josemaria Escriva, St. Anthony, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Francis to name a few.
Don’t forget to list your favorite saints in the comments…
At different points of my life each of them have inspired, challenged, encouraged and consoled me. Through their words and actions, I have a glimpse of God . They have personified the gospel and are role models in our journey of faith.
For a long time I tried hard to emulate them, almost wanting to be them and getting frustrated and discouraged when I couldn’t meet that standard.
It was on one of those disappointing occasions that it came to me: Love the saints, strive to emulate them but don’t forget that you are a saint in training too.
I became increasingly aware of how different each saint’s life and circumstances were. How each had experienced the same God in many ways, in different times in their life and on varying occasions. Our Lord had led them by hand, individually and exceptionally. Each had to take their own path, each had to follow the Lord in their own unique way and He pruned and lifted them in His own Will. So it had to be with me!
Let me explain. I am called to be a saint. And so are you. There is no doubt about it. But my way to sainthood is gonna be starkly different from yours and those of the saints before us. Because, when God designed us, He did it with a special intention. I cannot live your life, and you will not succeed in living mine.
Every moment of our life is designed especially for us. Yes, every person, every struggle, every victory, loss, gain! Our paths may cross and for a while Our Lord may give us each other’s company. We might be motivated and encouraged and inspired by each other or by the Saints we read, but ultimately our constant companion on the road carved out for us to Heaven is Jesus Himself.
Have you wondered how no two saints are alike in their journeys? They have similarities and coincidences but temperaments and personalities so varied. If St. Anthony’s life was just like St. Francis’ then what would we have learnt? The very fact that each had their own unrepeatable calling to respond to is the very reason we have two religious orders today. Each with their own values and mission, driven by the same love of God.
So, love the saints, read them, follow their advice, they are there to give us direction and guidance and some answers and through their life and testimony God will speak to us, but also be conscious of His direct interest in you! and be aware of the distinctive path to your Holiness.
God bless you, St. (write your name here) in training!