A parent’s greatest praise

While Jesus was speaking,
a woman from the crowd called out and said to him,
“Blessed is the womb that carried you
and the breasts at which you nursed.”
He replied,
“Rather, blessed are those
who hear the word of God and observe it.”
This is the gospel reading on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.
At first, reading Jesus’ reply might seem odd.
Why does He deny that His mother is worthy of praise?
Why is He changing the topic away from mention of His mother?
Why couldn’t He just acknowledge it?
Or does He?
When you look closely, you realize Jesus was actually talking about Mary.
Who other than Mary heard God’s word and followed it?
Who other than Mary is the epitome of being in God’s will?
Who else is blessed among all women?
It made me think of college days when I was President of my Parish youth group.
I was quite popular (not for the wrong reasons) and many times my parents used to be identified
as being my parents.
In reference to me, it always felt uncomfortable.
It felt incomplete. They had a far greater identity than that.
I can imagine now what Jesus would have felt.
There were also times when in other circles I would be my father’s/mother’s daughter and I
wanted to scream ‘I am not only that.’ Part of that was my young adulthood need for
individualization and the other part was pride.
Jesus, in true humility honors His well deserving mother.
When the woman in the Gospel appreciates Mary in reference to Jesus, He corrects her.
Growing up, just like my toddler, He would have loved to hear the story of His birth.
We see what remained with Him over the years.
A peak into His deep gratitude and love for Mary’s yes.
“It’s not a parents responsibility to have Godly children. It’s a parents responsibility to make sure
their children have Godly parents.”- Author Unknown
As parents we have great pride in our kids and their achievements.
There is nothing wrong in that.
But what would our children remember us by?
Would it be by our works, our achievements, our success?
Our social circle, our networks, our contacts, our contribution to society?
Or the love they experienced with us over the years?
Memories of playing together, laughing together and shared affection?
Of wounds being tended, tears being wiped and undeserving forgiveness?
Would they say about us, ‘in him, in her, I saw God.’
And when people praise them for their Godly lives, will they turn around and say, ‘Blessed is the
one whom I saw live it out.’
Download a free coloring page of Mary’s blue mantle from the Resources.
I would love to see your little ones creation.
August 15, 2020 @ 3:12 am
Congrats Guilda Rose
August 15, 2020 @ 3:47 am
Very beautiful Gilda, and keep writing for us such beautiful reflections! Happy Feast